Saturday, December 27, 2008

Congratulations, this Bud is for you!

I am not a beer snob. Really, I have drunk plenty of Bud Light, Miller Light, MGD, and so on in my life, but to call any of them great beers is stretching it. The craft beer rage of the last ten years has started to put the big beer producers on their back foot, so much so that they have decided to expand their product lines to include, well, beer with flavor (mind you, the big brewers still account for something on the order of 85% of beer sales in the US, so Sam Adams, Anchor Steam, and the rest are hardly storming the castle). And so, Michelob has launched a series of commericals touting the great people who make great "hand-crafted" brews. Good luck to them, because Michelob makes some pretty attrocious beers (one man's opinion).

More recently, Budweiser has launched its own foray into the world of beers with taste -- American ale. I was intrigued by this one, so I decided to try it. It is a very good beer. A beautiful red color with some spicy hoppiness. The ale has flavor without bringing a sledgehammer to the party. Congratulations Budweiser on making a great beer.

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